Influenza A virus subtype H1N1
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Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 , also known as A(H1N1) , is a subtype of influenzavirus A and the most common cause of influenza (flu) in humans. Influenza A subtype virus H1N1, yang juga dikenal sebagai A (H1N1), merupakan subtype dari influenzavirus J dan yang paling umum penyebab influenza (flu) pada manusia. Some strains of H1N1 are endemic in humans and cause a small fraction of all influenza-like illness and a large fraction of all seasonal influenza . Beberapa dari jenis H1N1 yang endemik pada manusia dan menyebabkan pecahan kecil dari segala penyakit influenza seperti besar dan kecil dari semua influenza musiman. H1N1 strains caused roughly half of all human flu infections in 2006. [ 1 ] Other strains of H1N1 are endemic in pigs (swine influenza) and in birds (avian influenza). H1N1 jenis menyebabkan sekitar setengah dari semua infeksi flu manusia pada tahun 2006. [1] Lain dari jenis H1N1 yang endemik di babi (babi Influenza) dan pada burung (avian influenza).
In June 2009, WHO declared that flu due to a new strain of swine-origin H1N1 was responsible for the 2009 flu pandemic . Pada bulan Juni 2009, WHO menyatakan bahwa akibat flu baru kejang-babi H1N1 asal bertanggung jawab untuk pandemi flu 2009. This strain is commonly called "swine flu". Kejang ini umumnya disebut "flu babi".
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[ edit ] Nomenclature [Sunting] tata nama
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Influenza A virus strains are categorized according to two proteins found on the surface of the virus: hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N). J virus influenza jenis dikategorikan menurut dua protein ditemukan pada permukaan virus: hemagglutinin (H) dan neuraminidase (N). All influenza A viruses contain hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, but the structure of these proteins differ from strain to strain due to rapid genetic mutation in the viral genome. Semua mengandung virus influenza A hemagglutinin dan neuraminidase, tetapi struktur protein ini berbeda dari strain ke strain cepat karena mutasi genetika dalam genome virus.
Influenza A virus strains are assigned an H number and an N number based on which forms of these two proteins the strain contains. Jenis virus influenza yang ditugaskan H nomor satu dan nomor N berdasarkan bentuk yang kedua protein yang berisi kejang. There are 16 H and 9 N subtypes known in birds, but only H 1, 2 and 3, and N 1 and 2 are commonly found in humans. [ 3 ] Terdapat 16 H dan 9 N subtypes dikenal pada burung, tetapi hanya H 1, 2 dan 3, dan N 1 dan 2 biasanya ditemukan pada manusia. [3]
[ edit ] Spanish flu [Sunting] Spanyol flu
The Spanish flu , also known as La Gripe EspaƱola , or La Pesadilla , was an unusually severe and deadly strain of avian influenza , a viral infectious disease , that killed some 50 million to 100 million people worldwide over about a year in 1918 and 1919. The flu Spanyol, yang juga dikenal sebagai La Espanola mengomel, atau La Pesadilla, adalah luar biasa berat dan maut strain dari flu burung, sebuah virus menular penyakit, beberapa yang membunuh 50 juta sampai 100 juta orang di seluruh dunia selama sekitar satu tahun pada 1918 dan 1919. It is thought to be one of the most deadly pandemics in human history . It is thought to be salah satu yang paling maut pandemics manusia dalam sejarah. It was caused by the H1N1 type of influenza virus. [ 4 ] Ia disebabkan oleh jenis H1N1 influenza virus. [4]
The Spanish flu caused an unusual number of deaths because it may have caused a cytokine storm in the body. [ 5 ] [ 6 ] (The recent epidemic of bird flu , also an Influenza A virus, had a similar effect.) [ 7 ] The Spanish flu virus infected lung cells, leading to overstimulation of the immune system via release of cytokines into the lung tissue. Spanyol flu biasa yang disebabkan jumlah kematian karena mungkin telah menyebabkan cytokine badai di dalam tubuh. [5] [6] (yang terakhir dari epidemi flu burung, juga merupakan virus influenza A, memiliki efek yang sama.) [7] Spanyol yang terinfeksi virus flu sel paru-paru, yang mengarah ke overstimulation dari sistem kekebalan melalui rilis cytokines ke dalam paru-paru tissue. This leads to extensive leukocyte migration towards the lungs, causing destruction of lung tissue and secretion of liquid into the organ. Ini mengarah ke ekstensif leukocyte migrasi ke arah paru-paru, menyebabkan kerusakan jaringan paru-paru dan keluarnya cairan dari organ dalam. This makes it difficult for the patient to breathe. Hal ini membuat sulit bagi pasien untuk bernafas. In contrast to other pandemics, which mostly kill the old and the very young, the 1918 pandemic killed unusual numbers of young adults, which may have been due to their healthy immune systems being able to mount a very strong and damaging response to the infection. [ 2 ] Kontras ke pandemics lainnya, yang kebanyakan membunuh tua dan sangat muda, yang tidak biasa membunuh pandemi 1918 jumlah orang dewasa muda, yang mungkin telah sehat karena sistem kekebalan yang mampu untuk me-mount yang sangat kuat dan merusak respon terhadap infeksi. [2]
The term "Spanish" flu was coined because Spain was at the time the only European country where the press were printing reports of the outbreak, which had killed thousands in the armies fighting the First World War. Istilah "Spanyol" flu adalah coined Spanyol karena pada saat itu adalah satu-satunya negara Eropa di mana pers telah mencetak laporan tentang kejadian, yang telah menewaskan ribuan tentara berjuang dalam Perang Dunia Pertama. Other countries suppressed the news in order to protect morale. [ 8 ] Negara-negara lain tertindas berita untuk melindungi moral. [8]
[ edit ] Russian flu [Sunting] Rusia flu
- See Influenza A virus subtype H2N2#Russian flu for the 1889–1890 Russian flu Lihat Influenza A subtype virus H2N2 flu # russian russian 1889-1890 untuk flu
The more recent Russian flu was a 1977–1978 flu epidemic caused by strain Influenza A/USSR/90/77 (H1N1) . Rusia yang lebih baru flu adalah 1977-1978 flu epidemi yang disebabkan oleh strain A/USSR/90/77 Influenza (H1N1). It infected mostly children and young adults under 23 because a similar strain was prevalent in 1947–57, causing most adults to have substantial immunity. It terinfeksi kebanyakan anak-anak dan remaja di bawah 23 karena yang mirip strain adalah lazim di 1947-57, menyebabkan kebanyakan orang dewasa memiliki kekebalan substansial. Some have called it a flu pandemic but because it only affected the young it is not considered a true pandemic. Ada beberapa hal yang disebut pandemi flu tetapi karena hanya mempengaruhi muda itu tidak benar dianggap sebagai pandemi. The virus was included in the 1978–1979 influenza vaccine . [ 9 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ] [ 12 ] Virus ini termasuk dalam 1978-1979 vaksin influensa. [9] [10] [11] [12]
[ edit ] 2009 Influenza A(H1N1) pandemic [Sunting] 2009 Influenza A (H1N1) pandemi
In the 2009 flu pandemic , the virus isolated from patients in the United States was found to be made up of genetic elements from four different flu viruses – North American Mexican influenza, North American avian influenza, human influenza, and swine influenza virus typically found in Asia and Europe – "an unusually mongrelised mix of genetic sequences." [ 13 ] This new strain appears to be a result of reassortment of human influenza and swine influenza viruses, in all four different strains of subtype H1N1. Pada 2009 pandemi flu, virus terisolasi dari pasien di Amerika Serikat telah ditemukan untuk menjadi yang terdiri dari unsur-unsur genetik dari empat virus flu yang berbeda - Meksiko influenza Amerika Utara, Amerika Utara flu burung, influenza manusia, dan virus influenza babi biasanya ditemukan di Asia dan Eropa - "yang luar biasa mongrelised campuran genetik sequence." [13] Ini baru kejang nampaknya hasil dari reassortment dari influenza manusia dan babi influenza virus, dalam semua empat jenis yang berbeda dari subtype H1N1.
Preliminary genetic characterization found that the hemagglutinin (HA) gene was similar to that of swine flu viruses present in US pigs since 1999, but the neuraminidase (NA) and matrix protein (M) genes resembled versions present in European swine flu isolates. Karakterisasi awal genetika menemukan bahwa hemagglutinin (HA) gene yang mirip dengan virus flu babi di US babi sejak tahun 1999, tetapi neuraminidase (NA) dan protein matriks (M) gen mirip versi hadir di Eropa babi flu isolates. The six genes from American swine flu are themselves mixtures of swine flu, bird flu, and human flu viruses. [ 14 ] While viruses with this genetic makeup had not previously been found to be circulating in humans or pigs, there is no formal national surveillance system to determine what viruses are circulating in pigs in the US [ 15 ] Enam gen dari Amerika babi flu itu sendiri adalah campuran babi flu, flu burung, dan virus flu manusia. [14] Walaupun virus dengan genetic makeup ini belum pernah ditemukan sebelumnya akan beredar pada manusia atau babi, tidak ada formal nasional surveilans sistem untuk menentukan apakah virus yang beredar di babi di AS [15]
On June 11, 2009, the WHO declared an H1N1 pandemic, moving the alert level to phase 6, marking the first global pandemic since 1968. [ 16 ] Pada 11 Jun 2009, WHO menyatakan adanya wabah H1N1, yang pindah ke tahap waspada tingkat 6, menandai pandemi global pertama sejak 1968. [16]
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